Hi everyone. Long time no write. I've been busy writing book two to the 360 series and hope to have it out soon. My kids have been taking up a lot of my time with school and homework and projects. Honestly, I don't know why I just didn't go to college and learn how to be a teacher. It seems like I'm having to explain almost everything to my girls when they come home from school everyday. Well, maybe not my daughter in high school but junior high-I just don't know. Anyway, they're both doing okay and I'm happy with their marks. My husband seems to have rediscovered his youth and has taken to going skiing every weekend this winter. He alternates between Sunshine and Lake Louise with an occasional trip to places like Castle Mountain and Kicking Horse. Good for him-I just hope he doesn't break anything. My eldest daughter had her showing at HeArtvark and was a success. She seems to be enjoying the art world more than ever right now and I can see her making a solid life out of it.
One more thing before I have to go: It's Read an ebook Week (March 3-9) and both my books Death's Promise and Wind will be availabe for free at the Smashwords site https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/twaddle I hope you go check it out.