Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hi everyone! Well, it's the end of January and it feels like summer is already here. I've decided to change my blog to look a little funner. Tell me if you like it.

I've been writing furiously every day on my new book and am now about half way through it. I've also been trying to find different ways to promote Death's Promise. I have to get over my shyness on the internet though. I'm just not used to putting myself out there. I've always been a very private person and am finding it hard to talk about myself to complete strangers. But, if I want people to read my books, then I have to just get over it. I've joined a few sites like Smashwords Forum and Book Blogs and am getting a headache trying to navigate through them. I also joined a few blogs and am enjoying what others write about. My next task is to send Death's Promise to a few people to review but I have to figure out how to do that.

I finally downloaded another book to my Kobo. It's called "Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale" by Holly Black. I've read about a third of it and am enjoying it. How do people do all this? Read, write, and do everything else that demands their attention. I've never been on my computer so much in my life. Oh no, I may be becoming a nerd. Do they still say that? Nerd.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hi everyone. Well my poll is over and, although there were hardly any votes, Spike is the best vampire. I knew it! He's actually one of my favourite characters of all times. I like the way he sees the world as it is and doesn't whine about it. Anyway, I've been looking for books to buy on my kobo and am having a hard time choosing. I'm rather picky when I pick a book. I don't have a lot of time and don't want to waste it with a bad book. That said, I've narrowed it down to two and I think I'll download one of them later today.

I made the mistake of downloading the Bubble shooting game to my kobo and now my kids have taken over. They play on it whenever they can and I have a hard time getting it back. The kobo vox is great because I can scan through a book and see if anyone else is reading it and we can all make comments on it as we read. Pretty cool! So, I want to scan my own book and see if there are any comments. Kids! I want my kobo back!

New poll everyone. Check it out and add your vote.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well, today I got up made coffee, did laundry and ironing then I got in my car, drove over to Chapters and bought a Kobo ereader. I figured if I'm going to publish ebooks, I'd better start buying my own books and supporting other ewriters out there. It's kind of neat (I still like to smell the pages of the book as I read) and I can see why they're popular. My touchscreen is kind of sensitive but then again what do I know, I don't even have a cell phone. Yes, that's right I don't have a cell phone. I may be the last one on the planet over the age of sixteen not to have a cell phone (even my mother has one) but I don't. I don't like talking on the phone, never have. I like to be left alone or talk to the person in, well you know, in person. I don't think I could ever text either; I have a hard enough time typing with all my fingers. If I only could use my thumbs, my hands would cramp up. Oh, I really am getting old.

Anyway, I got this ereader and I downloaded my book. Now, I will search the kobo library to find books that I can read on this thing. I'm going to the dentist on Thursday perhaps I'll take it so I can read in the waiting room. Oh, and I'm going to pick up the kid from school; I can read in the car while I'm waiting in the parking lot. And it fits nicely into my purse. I think I just might like this ereader. I still have regular books, though, and I don't think that will ever change. I just don't think I'll go to library as often.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Okay, I am definitely crazy. It's -40 with the wind chill and my husband and I decided to take the dog to the dog park. She's fine, I mean she is part Newfoundlander part Bernese Mountain Dog, she'd go in the river if it wasn't frozen over. My husband and I, on the other hand, are still trying to thaw out. My other dog is a Shitz Tzu and we left her at home and I don't think she'll look at me for a couple of days now. I tried to explain that it was way too cold for her but I don't think she understands even though she can only stay in the backyard for about two nano seconds.

My book is selling so so but I made the Premium Catalogue on Smashwords and it will be appearing in all the ebook stores within the next few weeks. Hopefully, it will pick up from there. I'm working very hard on my next one. My daughter wants to be a writer and I've been encouraging her to put her work on Smashwords. She's pretty good and I think her stories are worth reading.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Well, I feel like an idiot. I've been doing some research and I think the eagles at the dog park are really baby bald eagles and not golden eagles. Oh well, they're still pretty cool.

I went to the chiropractor for the first time ever and had my back cracked. What a weird feeling. I heard my back crack really loud and expected it to hurt but it actually felt good. Apparently I have degenerative discs in my neck and will be going to the chiropractor for a few more visits.

My book, Death's Promise, got accepted to the Premium Catalogue on Smashwords and will be distributed to all the ebook stores and I'm pretty happy about it. I can't wait to see it there. Kayla is pretty excited that the cover she designed is being seen by everyone too. By the way, I found a video from a few years ago of Kayla riverboarding (she was nine then). Hope you like it.s.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days but I've been busy trying to get my book out and I finally succeeded! I joined Smashwords, reformatted my book according to their instructions and published it myself. I no longer have to wait for some agent to say that they might be interested in seeing the first five pages and then wait impatiently for another rejection email to come to me. I have written, edited and published my own book and  hope that someone out there will actually read it and like it. My youngest daughter, Kayla, even designed and made my book cover for me and I think it looks great. You can check it out at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/120588. It's a fantasy book suited for older teens and young adults but anyone would like it, I think. Here's the cover. Kayla you're pretty good at digital art for only being twelve.